
If you are interested in being a Sponsor or want to learn more, please contact the the ResNet Board of Directors at sponsorinfo@resnetinc.org

ResNet, Inc. is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and research of technology support, with a strong focus on educational and student technologies and their integration with the academic mission. To learn more about ResNet, Inc. please visit our ResNet site.

We have the following sponsorship levels available, which have been designed specifically for our 2021 Virtual Conference:

Diamond – $1000 (One sponsorship available)

  • Sponsorship level for event pins. Pins with the conference logo will be offered as an incentive to early registrants of the conference, and then mailed to attendees after conference attendance is confirmed. The conference pins are a popular ResNet STC tradition that we want to see continued even though this year’s conference is occurring online.
  • Sponsor will be given the opportunity to provide marketing materials to be mailed with the pins to the attendees.
  • Company logo on virtual background for host(s) of ResNet Snack Break and other social sessions.
  • Company link and/or logo on conference website.
  • A copy of the attendee list provided after the conclusion of the conference.

Emerald – $750 (Multiple sponsorships available)

  • Sponsorship level for Snack Break gift cards. The gift cards will be provided to attendees to buy their own snack for our Snack Break activity. Attendees will be allowed to pick from a list of food vendors offering electronic gift cards, gift cards will be sent prior to the start of the conference. Food vendors would be selected among national brands that offer items such as coffee, burritos, and pizza to accommodate both attendee preferences and regional availability.
  • Sponsorship of the gift cards will be clearly and consistently communicated through the conference announcements surrounding the Snack Break.
  • Company logo on virtual background for host(s) of ResNet Snack Break and other social sessions.
  • Company link and/or logo on conference website.
  • A copy of the attendee list provided after the conclusion of the conference.

Ruby – $750 (Multiple sponsorships available)

  • Sponsorship level that includes providing a “commercial break” for attendees during the conference.
  • Sponsorship includes one “commercial” that will be shown to all attendees during a session, video should not exceed two minutes in length. 
  • Video will be screened for content prior to finalization of sponsorship.
  • Company logo on virtual background for host(s) of ResNet Snack Break and other social sessions.
  • Company link and/or logo on conference website.
  • A copy of the attendee list provided after the conclusion of the conference.

Sapphire – $500 (Multiple sponsorships available)

  • Company logo on virtual background for host(s) of ResNet Snack Break and other social sessions.
  • Company link and/or logo on conference website.
  • A copy of the attendee list provided after the conclusion of the conference.

Pearl – $200 (Multiple sponsorships available)

  • Company link and/or logo on conference website.
  • A copy of the attendee list provided after the conclusion of the conference.