Pre-Arrival Information
Greetings from Las Vegas: In preparation for your arrival we wanted to send along some important information. Directions from the Airport to On-Campus Housing in Tonopah Hall: Like many things in Las Vegas, the Summer Conference Housing Desk in Tonopah Hall is open 24/7. The number for the desk is 702-895-5777 A map of driving […]
Well, this year’s conference is only a couple weeks away. Time to start thinking about bringing something to donate to the 7th Silent Auction. The proceeds from this auction go towards the Senti-Merriman Scholarship which allows a Student Employee to come to the Conference for no charge, often getting help with the travel expense as […]
STC Half Day Network Activities are still available for purchase!!
We know that some of you are waiting to sign up for the Half Day Network Activity until you arrive here in Vegas which is not a problem. However, if you are planning on waiting can you please email me (jonathan.mellor@unlv.edu) to let me know which you would like to attend so that we can […]
Registration Closes Tonight!!
Don’t miss out on your last chance to register for the 2016 STC conference! Late registration ends Tonight!! Registration: Late Registration: $650 (May 14th through May 20th) New for 2016: We are offering a discounted third registration for individuals from the same institution. If you qualify for this discount, please complete your registration and select […]
2016 STC Half Day Networking Activities Announced
The STC Host Committee would like to announce that the Half Day Networking Activities are available on the registration site. Cowabunga Bay Water Park – Cowabunga Bay is 25 acres of Summer, Surfin’ fun. There’s something for everyone whether you are cresting a wave in our giant wave pool or sipping a Pina Colada in […]
Professional Development Seminars Announced
What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas…. Except when you have the opportunity to engage in even more professional development as part of the 2016 STC!! Participating in a Professional Development Seminar will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in one of five specially selected workshops that will deepen your understanding of important technology […]
Now Accepting Nominations for the Senti-Merriman Award
The Senti-Merriman Award was created in honor of Sandy Senti and Jeff Merriman, the organization’s founding members. Sandy and Jeff were the driving force behind the creation of the ResNet Symposium and its early success was the result of their commitment to residential technology and their shared respect for the contributions of those who make ResNet programs possible: students living in residence halls and ResNet student staff.
Present at the 2016 Student Technology Conference!
Looking to maximize your travel funds? Want to share a new process or technique with your colleagues? Why not submit a proposal for a presentation? Presenters get $100 discount if your proposal is accepted. Accepted presenters will receive notification by mid-March. Submit proposals at https://sites.google.com/a/resnetinc.org/stc2016/home